Question of the Week | March 17th

Do you take time alone?

I need regular time alone, or I go crazy.  Anyone who knows me knows this is a favorite soapbox of mine, and perhaps I’m bringing it up as my usual habits are on hiatus for the next 2 months while my husband works in another state.  Do you take it?  Need it?  Do you schedule it?  How?  Do you take it regularly or just once in a long while?  Feel guilty for it?  Please share!

Alone time can be anything from locking yourself in the bathroom in the morning to a daily gym fix to getting a regular chunk of time off every week.  It just has to be time truly to yourself, where you’re not responsible for anyone but yourself.  More of my soapbox can be found here in case you haven’t heard enough :).

Please share your thoughts here, and let us all know what your time alone looks like!

There weren’t the requisite 5 answers for there to be a prize drawing last week, so get those answers in this time around so I can get rid of this chocolate!  It’s too dangerous to have around :).

PRIZE: Chocolate, and then more chocolate … just because!

DEADLINE: Sunday the 23rd of March at midnight EST.