Almost 5 months ago ...

Thanks to Debbie Z for the pics ... many more to scan, some of which I'll post as that happens ...


Had a turnaround with Douglas this morning that's hard to deal with ... great time with the morning routine, dropping him off at school along with a classmate we picked up on the streetcorner as her dad was running late for his 2nd dropoff of the morning. Stopped to help her with her coat after he was running around, looked at some student artwork, and said goodbye to a couple other parents. As I'm out of the class and near the outer door, he comes hurtling down the hall, clings to my leg, and "mommy, don't leave!". Telling him ... "I can't stay, yes it would be fun, you're going on vacation tomorrow so this is your last day this week, you have your friends here, take your Asterix warrior figurine out of your bag and show your friends who don't know who Asterix is, be a big boy ..." etc. Had it working once, got as far as just outside the class again and then we started over again. Finally the assistant chatted to him, then took him by the hand and gently hauled him onto class, with my "love you and see you at 2:45" drowned by his screams. I could still hear his screams from the gate of the playground, 30 yards away and through 2 doors.

All this in contrast to yesterday's shriek of "I don't like ANYTHING you say!"

Not a fun way to start the morning.