Launching the New Forum!

The new discussion board has a great new look, and tons of new features! 

SaneMoms forum

Welcome to the new and improved boards!
You can now add your photo and url to your posts, reply to individual members, add html links and images, send private messages, chat in some new forum areas, see recent posts, and lots lots more!

Check it out!

To make the transition seamless, there are a few things to note. 

If you’ve ever posted on the current discussion board, you should have already gotten an email from me ( with the subject : Welcome to “”.  It had your temporary password and a link to the new forum.  (Your username is the same as your display name on the old boards). 

  • Didn’t get that email from me, but know you’ve posted before?  Email me and I’ll resend you your details!
  • Look at the Getting Started Guide before you go too far, there are several tips in there about navigating around and managing your new options. 
  • You’ll see all your old posts, and your name as the poster.  
  • If you have never posted on the boards but are a member, you’ll need to sign up again for the new forum, just click on the Register button in the upper right corner, or click here.
  • Links have changed on the main site! The old boards are no longer accessible, and the links take you right to the new ones.   
  • Check out the new forum areas, like the WOHM/WAHM/SAHM boards, Advice, Reading Room, and more!
  • Please, drop a note in the Suggestion Box if you have any, I’d love to know what works and doesn’t work for you, and I’m sure there are a few kinks to work out :). 
I hope you enjoy the changes as much as I do!  It may take a little getting used to, but it’s well worth it in the long run, and makes it a much richer community.  Thanks for being Sane Moms along with me!