A little piece of God

While you’re waiting for a Q of the Week, and a newsletter (I just haven’t managed it today, you’ll likely have to wait till tomorrow) please go read this.  It’s beautiful.  And powerful.  It technically speaks to mothers of autistic kids, but it speaks to us all I think.  A snippet …

I have an autistic son who is truly a bit of God broken off and fallen to this earth. I am fortunate in a a million ways that he is oh… let’s say autism-lite. He has none of the most challenging behavioral and cognitive elements of the disorder and his therapy is moving faster than anyone could have imagined. I am in no way brave about this, and his diagnosis did very nearly turn me to dust, but recently someone asked that I write a letter to her friend, a stranger, who is struggling with her daughter’s recent diagnosis. So I gave it my best shot.

This diagnosis is a pointing finger and nothing more. …

Please, go read the whole thing