School Lunches

I don’t know about you, but the lunches my son gets at a public NYC school are appalling to me.  Sugar coated fruit, sugared bread and PB and jams, fried food, super processed carbohydrates, sweetened millk, etc … I can usually tell what he’s had by how he acts when I pick him up.  Peanut  butter and Jelly days are the worst.  Did you know candy bars aren’t considered junk food according to school nutrition standards, but Poland Spring selzer water is?!  It has no minerals or vitamins.  Riiiight.

This happens to be a soapbox of mine (can you tell by the sarcasm?!), and something I’m trying to figure out how to get more involved in.  I’d love to work on a farm to table program that works through the school food program … anyone know where to start? 

In the meantime, I just signed this from MomsRising, and hope you will too!


The USDA’s school nutrition standards were developed in the 1970’s and aren’t consistent with current nutritional science. USDA doesn’t even consider candy bars, snack cakes or french fries to be junk foods. The standards don’t even address calories, saturated and trans fats or sodium.

I added my name to a petition calling for an update to these standards and I hope you will too.

The petition will be hand delivered to Congress June 24th. The more signatures we have, the greater our impact.

