It's that time of year again ...

 … the time where I get depressed that summer’s over, bummed about another year of public school and schedules and early mornings and homework.  Wishing I were already working on our dream of building a stand of treehouses on a mountainside in the mountains somewhere, and not schlepping kids to school.  Wondering how on earth that dream will ever come alive, trusting God that it will, but fearing another year of same-old patterns.  I love my life here in Brooklyn, I truly do, but I tend to see the school year as a 10-month tunnel from which I can only occasionally emerge.  Perspective, I know!  I just tend to dig in my heels in late August, get grumpy and majorly out of sorts, hide under the covers, emerge long enough to buy mile-long lists of school supplies (which turned out this morning to not be the list Douglas’ teacher wanted after all, argh!!!) and then retreat back under the covers. 

Hence the lack of posts.  The hiding under rocks if you will.  Which is NOT what SaneMoms is about.  It’s not about just sharing the happy/helpful stuff, it’s about being real no matter how we feel.  That’s what the forums are for, and blog commenting, and emails and all that.  We’re in this together.  I know some of you are going thru truly hard times (losing sisters and custody battles, to just name a couple) and this is a place to reach out and ask for help.  Or just plain vent, not looking for answers.  The discussion board it still here, and I read every post (including the stinkin spam which I delete as fast as I see it) and love to answer.  I’ll be simplifying it a bit soon, there are too many areas and it’s more complicated than it needs to be.  I rearrange my site just like I do my bedroom, as often as I feel the need.  Pardon the nesting, it’s simply part of my way of keeping myself sane!  That and running and prayer and girlfriends and alone nights.  What’s yours?