The Catchup Post: Or What I've Been Up To for the Last 2 Weeks

Another gorgeous FL sunset I’m back at my computer again, in a relatively quiet house.  That means only one boy is wailing, trying to finish cleaning up his desk before the timer goes off.  The other is outside with Dad, and supper is marinating in the fridge.   That lasted all of 5 seconds, until the wailing one finished his job more or less, and wanted it checked.  Such is my life!

This morning got off to a very rough start, as hubby and I were out very late, celebrating our 10th anniversary!  We keep things low key … it was deli food eaten on the waterfront in Battery Park, and then a movie which I would never bother to see again.  It was nice to be out together, however dull the flick, and nice to say “how about another 10?” while looking at what we’ve built together in the last 10.  We have nothing tangible to show for it whatsoever, but the relationship itself has come a long way.  We both laughed when, during movie previews, I commented on how bad some romantic comedy looked … and he responded with “yes, but you still want to see it!”  So true, so very me, and he nailed it on the head.  I do love the man!

I think we used about 200 yards of tulle … The 10 days I went MIA, and the crazy wedding?  It was stressful, I won’t deny, and I genuinely have more grey hairs to show for it, but it was a lot of fun too!  Who wouldn’t want to spend 10 days in FL with her beloved sister, family, and friends … mostly outdoors, and building something together that turned a wee bit magical?  We all worked insanely hard, I barely saw my kids, but things came together at the last minute and it was a wonderful wedding!  I have no pics of the actual wedding as I couldn’t carry my camera, but here are a few pics of the projects I was responsible for, and my sis/I all dolled up for the wedding itself. 

Love bugs swarming on some of the arch decorations.I had two main projects.  The hardest was transforming a 42 foot long arch made of PVC pipe into a grand entryway to the outdoor ceremony.  It took 4 days to pull off, working outdoors under a picnic shelter and contending with some steady wind and serious Florida bugs.  Apparently it was love bug season, and they prefer to congregate on white things, lucky us!  They were everywhere  … in the tulle, our hair, the decorations, my underwear … in absolutely everything!  We just had to ignore it.

An almost-finished archway

It came together in the end, thanks to loads of help, and I put the final touches on the morning of the wedding.  Phew!

The other main project I had was the guest book, which was to be in a shadow box, and had to incorporate something individual from each guest.  As many peacock feathers were being used elsewhere, I made a big peacock whose feathers could be unpinned, written on, and put back into the bird.  The photo is cruddy, but you get the idea …

The interactive guesbookMy sis and I, glitzed up for the wedding … more than we’ve ever been …

I barely had time to get dressed and made up, and scarcely recognized myself when I did!  My kids, ironically, loved getting dressed up in their finery, and begged to wear it again afterwards!  This is two boys who have never put on a suit in their lives, nor expressed one shred of interest in dressing up as anything except pirates and superheros.  Growing up I guess!

I’m glad it’s over, but am struggling a bit with returning to real life where I don’t have a nanny to watch my kids while I work on one project with minimal distractions, something I looooove to do, being addicted to productivity.  I missed my kids a lot, and don’t want to go back to that scenario any day soon, but it was hard to give up at the time.  Being with my sister for a week was great too, sans distractions, and saying goodbye wasn’t any fun.  However, homeschooling and new clients and household running and marathon training are keeping me more than busy since my return, and I’m slowly accepting that this is, indeed, my real life.  One that I accept, and for the most part love. 

Enough personal blabbing, I’ll get a good Q of the Week up this weekend, and look forward to getting the conversations rolling again!  How have YOU all been??