The delights of being irresponsible

Happy Columbus Day, and belated Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends!  Hope your weekend has been a good one.  It’s been a crazy whirlwind here, and I’m still touching down.  We had family from Quebec in town for a couple of days, and at the very last minute (around noon today) it was decided that they’d take my boys back to Montreal with them for a couple of weeks.  They left at 4:30!  I don’t think it’s sunk in yet, but it might over dinner as my husband and I have a belated anniversary dinner, sans kids.  Yay for a real honest-to-goodness-I’m-actually-going-to-miss-them-soon break!!

It gets better, because someone else has offered to buy me a ticket to Florida to visit another of my SILs and I’m jumping at it as soon as I knock back a couple days of work!  Glorious gifts and generous friends and yes I know I’m lucky.  Better believe I’m thankful too, especially as D and I have been butting heads a LOT lately and I know we’ll appreciate each other more after a week or two apart.  Fynn couldn’t wait to drive away, no tears upon leaving in my boys!

I used to be all about last-minute trips before I was married, but have only indulged in a couple escapades since we’ve had kids, and I honesly can’t remember what they were.  I like to think I’m spontaneous, and occasionally I am, but most of the time I feel so bound to schedules and responsibilities that I can’t see any (responsible) way to be really whimsical.  It’s tied up in pride and appearances and expectations.  Maybe I’m feeling the need to be a bit irresponsible, since I err on the other side of the fence most of the time?  Canceling cello and chess lessons, not having any real idea how I’m going to get them back here, but trusting it to work out somehow.  It feels really really good, and I know my kids are in great hands and will have a most amazing time. 

Any irresponsible or whimsical or spontaneous bits in your past?  Is it as hard for you all as it is for me to let go and just jump at something?  Did it die with parenthood, or just get started?  I’m curious …