Where do you get your inspiration?

Fynn taking a peek inside while we were still in line.

We spent the day yesterday at the 2011 NY Maker Faire, and to say it was inspiring is an understatement.  It’s a gathering of inventors and hackers and crazy artists in the realms of science and techology and crafts and engineering and art.  There were many hands-on demonstrations, oodles of booths, a giant recycled dragon on wheels, a life-size Mousetrap game, MakerBots printing everything imaginable, a car covered with singing fish, crazy costumes, robots, and sound-activated Tesla coils shooting out real lightning.  If you have any maker crazy kids in your house, I can’t recommend it enough.  I think we all came home full of ideas, and my boys’ schooling today is centered around capturing their memories for future use.  It was an amazing day. 

69’ Dragon that the kids could climb on and play with and swing the tail of …My two came home with Marshmallow Shooters, which I’m going to have to switch to pom-pom shooters because picking sticky marsmallows off of my clothing isn’t making me too happy. 

There were so many ideas that it was overwhelming and a bit hard to take in.  Thankfully there were open spaces and quieter corners where the boys played mini-golf and hung out on the Science Playground.

Giant balance-scaleJust the shot in the arm I needed to keep my mind churning on what I’d like to make, projects for my kids, and a renewed joy on the amazing creativity of others.  In a word, INSPIRING.

How and where do you get inspiration?  Books, craft fairs, blogs, magazines, friends, shows … what do your ideas come from?  I’m not just talking about projects and making things, but ideas for work and parenting and life and bucket lists … do you have favorite sources?  Also, do you have any way to capture or keep track of them?  Digital lists, file folders of clippings, idea boards, scribbled lists in the back of planners, or simply wish lists tucked in your head?  Love to know, and if you’ve been inspired lately and can share the story that would be great too!