Day 11 - Birthdays

M has a birthday tomorrow ... Happy Birthday Wikkid! Another M had a birthday yesterday, and I didn't even tell him Happy Happy ... hope it was. I miss both of you.

I heard that D's having a boy next, and saw a gorgeous pic of her happy belly, on the beach in Cuba :)

And then there's the baby I've been talking about, finally, officially, born today. is up and running, er, crawling maybe, and needing some cleanup, but alive nonetheless. I'm so glad! It's been a whirlwind month. Less than a month, actually, as I bought the domain on October 16th. The idea's been brewing for months in the back of my head, and was really a take-off on an idea that S and I had been discussing for ages. (Thanks for letting me run with it, solo for now.) I didn't really know what I wanted it to be, or how it should work, until a month ago ... and the words and thoughts didn't really come together till yesterday. Scribbling questions while kids hollered and interrupted and begged for help with cardboard castles ... I think my stapling was a bit impatient.

I'm off to celebrate by watching Raising Arizona with M ... my M that is. If the other Coen brothers movies I've seen are any indication, I'll be pleased.

Happy Birthday SaneMoms.