I'm back :)

Back from what?  From a whirlwind weekend trip, alone, to visit a girlfriend in Canada.  We were to have gone camping together for a couple of days, reliving our Thelma and Louise roadtrip of 10 years ago, but a sudden blood clot in her leg forced a change in plans.  You know those friends that you don’t see for years, and when you do it’s like you just talked yesterday?  They’re golden, and she’s one of them.  Thanks D for the company! 

Having been carless for the last 6 years, my chances to drive alone are few and far between.  I rediscovered the joy of singing LOUDLY by myself :), as well as driving a stick-shift which I strongly prefer.  I came home refreshed, which is a good thing as it’s in the 90’s here for the next few days and we’re A/C-less so trying to lie low and be creative in cooling off!  I hope you’re cool wherever you are.

I’ll get a question up here later today, the newsletter may need to wait till tomorrow as kid-wrangling is taking priority today.  I’m sure you understand!