Friday Roundup ...

Tidbits from my week, some observed, some linked … enjoy and have a great weekend!

  • Being real is scary and makes me feel vulnerable, but utterly necessary and I need to do it more often.
  • This powerful post on motherhood and identity on Her Bad Mother’s Basement comes from the other side of the fence in terms of kids and identity, and I found it a fascinating read.  I don’t relate personally, but utterly respect her position.  
  • As I walked down the sidewalk yesterday afternoon, with both kids in tow and likely a longsuffering expression on my face, a couple and their two kids passed me going the other direction.  The father had just had some sort of a confrontation with the girl, and as we passed each other, he turned to me and said “This parenting thing is HARD!”.  I was jolted into agreeing wholeheartedly, and went on my way feeling a bit less frustrated with my day, and little less alone.
  • How I spent five hours of my life on one pretnatal check up, thanks to Bethany Actually.  We’ve all had days like this …