Q of the Week : Best part of January?

Fynn and SparrowWe had a great game night here last night, hopefully the first of many.  In an attempt to break up winter, and find other strategy-game-loving 8-year-olds, we put an invite out to the neighborhood at large, and ended up with two families joining us, toting 2 kids apiece.  It was a perfect way to start, and there was much laughter, some acting and thinking and die-rolling, and a very long wait for the pizza to arrive.  Once it came and we were all splayed across the floor in the front room (huge and empty as we’re in between tenants), one mom asked that we go around saying what our favorite part of the day was.  It was their dinner tradition at home, and so we all had a go at identifying the best bits of our day.  I was glad for the prompt to think about it, and rather enjoyed the answers, ranging from “right now!” to “when I fed a frozen mouse to my albino corn snake” :). 

It’s good to think about the best bits.  To remember what went well, where the joy burst out, when you felt the happiest.  We’ve a few hours to the end of the month here, and some of you are already into February, so it’s a perfect time to reflect on the first month of the year. 

What was the best part of your January?

I think mine would have to be the addition of two kittens to the household, though I couldn’t have said that a week ago.   The first few weeks were horrible with poop and such, but as both of them spent cuddle time with me last night, and are feeling much better, the balance has tipped in their favor.  They’re the best thing this month.  The boys are loving them, and learning to take care of them, and it’s been good for all of us. 

So, your best part?