Q of the Week : When's the last time you moved?

As I’ve hinted before, I’m kind of itching to move.  In fact, I asked the same question a couple of years ago, and still nothing much has changed around here!  It really doesn’t look like it’s happening any day soon either, but I’m mostly hopeful that it still will.  I have a girlfriend who just moved with her two young ones, and another that takes the jump in a few weeks with her newly-minted son in tow. Moving with kids adds a whole other level of stress, my last two moves I was either pregnant or had a toddler. 

I actually like moving, though I haven’t done it in almost 8 years now.  I enjoy the chance to go through everything, pitch and sort and then pitch some more, and rediscover old treasures.  I’ve sometimes had the notion that I’m leaving behind bad habits and troubles along with the broken toys and expired canned goods, but of course that never happens. They get dragged along like dust bunnies stuck in the broom bristles, and have to be sorted out in their own time.  It’s a chance to start new things too though, which is always good. 

I’ve always said that it’s never time to go until it hurts to leave.  The last time I moved, from PA to Brooklyn, I couldn’t wait to get out of a small town and away from some frustrating situations.  However, I made some mom friends right before I moved (D was 18 months at the time) and also came to appreciate the real value of some of the non-mom girlfriends I had there.  I have a few fond memories there :).

So when/where/why did you last move?  Kids ok with it?  Tips for handling their emotions and fears to share?  Love to hear your stories, as always.